Gödel's Tower

Editorial Math Illustration • Quanta Magazine • 2020
Fantasy painting: a white tower made of blocks with mathematical symbols, floating in the sky.

Quanta Magazine, 2020. Reuse prohibited.

Art direction, concepts, digital painting

C4D, Photoshop

A fantasy tower of mathematical symbols, floating in the sky and forever foundation-less. The obelisks hovering around it represent undecidable problems — statements that can never be proved, thus never reachable from the central structure. For an explainer on Kurt Gödel's incompleteness theorem, by Natalie Wolchover: How Gödel’s Proof Works.

Fantasy painting: a white tower made of blocks with mathematical symbols, floating in the sky.
Fantasy painting: a white tower made of blocks with mathematical symbols, floating in the sky.
Screenshot of QuantaMagazine.org homepage

Screenshot of the QuantaMagazine.org homepage in 2020 showing this article and other features I art-directed.

© Olena Shmahalo